Infinite Crisis

The web 2.0 version of Seattle's man of tomorrow.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

My weekend project

Say hello to my new weekend project.

Pop! Goes My Heart

The lady and I saw "Music and Lyrics" over the weekend. I tend to avoid the saccrine sweet romantic comedies, but I was compelled to see this movie because it centered around Hugh Grant being a washed up 80s pop star. The name of his group was even called "Pop!"!!!

Was I disappointed? You be the judge.

Friday, February 02, 2007


Today is one of the rare days that I get to work from home. Rather than spend my time in my place, I decided to do some work at Starbucks among the great people of this great city.

So, I'm sitting at a Starbucks near my apartment trying to focus and get some work done. The thought here is that I can get all my work done for a 9-10 hour day in roughly 4 hours if I apply myself. Well, I'm pounding away, and this totally obnoxious dude sits nearby. He's talking loudly on his cell phone, laughing out loud at the book he's reading--he even starts singing when a Tina Turner song comes on. After about five minutes of this, another guy nearby politely says, "Excuse me. This is a public place, and I don't think the others sitting here appreciate hearing you sing out loud."

The quick response was, "Well, f*ck you", which by itself is pretty funny. But then not two minutes later, the baristas on the other side of the store start singing as well. When this happened, the obnoxious guy gets this sanctimonious, self-satisfied look on his face, turns, and laughs right at the guy that politely asked him to quiet down.

I've never seen someone get so much satisfaction and apparent redemption at such as trivial matter. That is, of course, since the last time I saw Oliver play Grand Theft Auto.