Conan the Barbarian

Watching "Conan the Barbarian" over the weekend got me on a little bit of a Conan frenzy (as I am wont to do every six months or so). I was reading up on him in wikipedia only to come across these gems:
"He was born on a battlefield and is the son of a blacksmith."
"In his forties, he seizes the crown of king of Aquilonia, the most powerful kingdom of the Hyborian Age, having strangled the previous ruler on the steps of the throne."
In relation to the Conan of the original Robert E. Howard stories,
"...the Conan character portrayed by Schwarzenegger displays little 'panther like agility.'"
Ah...I love it.
At 12:07 PM,
Alex said…
Wow, I didn't know about the strangling part. That's great. My favorite bit of Conan legend is from the DVD documentary, where director John Milius relates that back then Arnold had a big biker following and when he first showed up on screen on the Wheel the audience went beserk.
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