BSG 3.0

I'm finally caught up with Battlestar Galactica and am primed to watch the season premiere this Friday. Needless to say, I'm pretty excited. BSG is definitely one of the better shows on these days.
But the swings! I applaud the show for not being afraid to go dark. We're talking the brink of humanity here, people!
The season 2.5 finale was ridiculous in that regard. But like I've always said,
"You frakk with the motherfrakkahs, and the frakk be on."
At 1:23 PM,
Alex said…
Wow, I didn't know you were now watching this show. I'm mucho pleased, as it's my favorite on the ol' TV screen.
I've taken up Lost of late. And I'll finally get around to 24 soon. Very, very soon.
At 1:26 PM,
Alex said…
Not to "nerd-out" too much, but I'd like to add that despite thinking most of the 30-odd episodes done so far are uniformly awesome, my favorite is still probably the pilot/mini-series. And that one where Starbuck has to reverse-engineer that Cylon raider to fly off the desert planet.
At 10:34 AM,
Tom said…
Yes, they're all good. My favorite episode has got to be the two episode arc introducing the Pegasus and Admiral Cain.
I also really like the episode where Tyrol builds the stealth fighter from spare parts. Even as the human race is near extinction, there's still a place for hope.
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