Make it so
I don't know what's more embarassing to tell a girl: that you watch and enjoy Star Trek: The Next Generation or that you watch and enjoy this
I also wonder if the two are mutually exclusive. I'd like to think not.
I also wonder if the two are mutually exclusive. I'd like to think not.
At 12:05 AM,
Marisa said…
Hmmm...I'm gonna have to go with the Picard song. I think it's a given that all guys like Star Trek. But we also have to ask ourselves, which is more embarrassing for Patrick Stewart?
At 5:21 AM,
p said…
How's this for embarrassing. Sitting at a cyber in Morocco with my girlfriend and coming to Tom's blog with the confident statement, "This is my friend Tom's blog, he's pretty cool." Then up pop's Jean Luc Picard dancing like a 'insert gay stereotype here'. 8,000 miles away just isn't far enough...
At 6:36 PM,
Tom said…
Dammit, Steve. I stand behind my blogs. You know that. And last time I checked, remixed songs about Jean Luc Picard is damn fine stuff.
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